So, I ordered my wedding dress. And this is making me very nervous. Aside from the fact that I've had a total of three (3) "This is the dress" moments on this epic journey to find a white dress that I don't hate, I'm a little bummed about the dress-shopping being over to boot.
First, to clarify, I don't particularly like dresses. I think the last time I wore a dress was at 10lees wedding. The time before that was at my middle sister's high school graduation. I am more a cute skirt, simple top kinda gal. I like a skirt with some flair and a shirt that's simple to go with it.
So, I embarked on the dress shopping with a little trepidation. 10lees and Dr. Gonzo both made the journey out here to help, and we went out this summer. In the first shop, something like the second or third dress I tried made me go, "Ohhh, well, this is the dress." And it was beautiful. And I am still a little sad that I did not go with it, but you will understand why by the time this is over.
So, we continued on our way because, obviously, you can't stop with the first dress you see. And we wound up at David's bridal, and I tried on a dress and went, "Oh, well, maybe this is the dress."
You can see my problem. To have one "this is it" moment is, apparently and according to all bridal magazines I've read thus far (which is, frankly, an epic amount), normal. To have two is not so normal (though I imagine it is the reason why so many girls on craigslist are selling dresses after buying two). And then I got home and reviewed the pictures, and I didn't like either of them as much in photos as I had in the store.
Meanwhile, my gall bladder began its mission to kill me or escape whilst trying, which rendered me incapable of lifting 20 lbs or wedding dresses (which are quite heavy).
Therefore, my sisters and my mother decided that a dress must be found and they were going to help me do it. We planned a day. They came. We started with what had been the worst on the previous trip: David's Bridal. And I tried on a shitload of dresses. And one that I tried on that had made the pics the first time through was one that brought tears to my mom and my sis, but not to me. (It was not one of the original this-is-it dresses.) And I was beginning to think that I would never find "The Dress."
And then in a totally bridezilla move, I made them take a dress off the mannequin for me to try. And this dress brought a tear to my eye. And I didn't want to take it off. And I wanted to pet it (which the saleslady claims is a sign that they tell them to look for in their training manuals).
But, having had, as I said, three "This is The Dress" moments, I didn't really want to order it until I'd had a chance to think about it. But I went back to try it on again the next night to show my friend. And I went home to think about it. The sales lady told me it was going to be half off on a particular day, so I waited, and then it was not half off. And I wanted to think about it. That night, I had a dream that the dress was gone and I couldn't get it, and I woke up crying, so I ordered the dress.
But is it The Dress?
I still don't know. It is not what I had in mind, and while I can't really post pics of it or describe it here, I did love it in the store. I don't know about the back. Part of me feels like it is much too girly and cutesy and not what I had in mind at all. But it made me cry.
To top it off, I am having all this remorse and regret that that part of it is over. Arguably one of the most important pieces of the wedding has fallen into place. And that brings us one step closer to being done. While that sounds like quite a relief, it also makes me rather sad. I guess it's because my life is changing, and while it is changing for the better, I have never been particularly good at change.
I'm nervous, too, because I thought that I would just know which dress was right, but I am still stewing about it, and it is already ordered.
I guess it had better be The Dress now because I put it on my credit card, and I will have to pay it off coming up very soon. ;)
Posted by LoWriter at December 19, 2008 11:15 PMMaybe it doesn't need to be as simple, or as complicated, as you and all the wedding magazines want to make it. Maybe you can have 17 "this is it" moments and just pick the one that happens to be in stock, on sale, or easiest to order. Or maybe you can just pick the one that's cheapest, from the nicest sales lady, or the least hassle. I mean seriously, since when does your wedding and your dress and your dress buying experience have to fit into a mold?
If you found 3 dresses you like, that's fantastic! I be you look beautiful in all of them. :) So friend, don't stress. And while i know it's easier said than done, try to enjoy this time and not over-think the process. The dress will be lovely, but your experience and memories of the wedding will be better.
i completely 2nd mel's comment. lo, you're going to be a beautiful bride, and you're doing this all the right way. :o) let us know if you need help or moral support - you're right about this being a big change. you rule!
Posted by: dr gonzo at December 22, 2008 11:16 AMWell, thanks ladies. I'm not too stressed about the other details (i.e., I don't care what flowers I get), but the dress is... well, you know, everybody is going to be staring at you in it.
Sorry for being a dumb girl. Thanks for humoring me.
Posted by: Lo at December 22, 2008 10:30 PMAlso, I would probably feel better about it if a couple of people hadn't made "I hate it" faces.
Posted by: Lo at December 22, 2008 10:31 PMI have to admit I was dissapointed when I found 'the dress', because it becomes so much fun to try them on. And I loved my dress, as much as I did think it was 'the one' there were moments of doubt (for example the first time I came home and looked at it after buying it, I really thought it looked different).
But I agree, you'll look great no matter what. I am sure it won't matter if you are wearing a potatoe sack, as long as you are marrying Ben :-)
Posted by: 10lees at January 11, 2009 08:21 PM