November 10, 2007

Sing-Along Dance Party and the End of My Rope

I have now been listening to the dowstairs neighbors blasting their stereo off and on for the last 24 hours.

It started last night, much the way it's going now, with the bass on the stereo blasting so loudly that I can feel it vibrating in my bathroom floor. Then, around eleven, the standing in the street and/or parking lot and yelling expletives and racial slurs at each other began. Finally, that moved indoors so that it was right under my bedroom as I was drifting in and out of sleep. I woke up several times to really loud laughter and all the time, underneath it, was the incessant pounding of their f-ing subwoofer.

Then all was quiet this morning, which was a relief, but it started up again around 12. Then just as I was dialing the super, it stopped. Now it has started again.

My head is killing me. My neck is cramped. I can't concentrate on my work, and I AM PISSED.

This has gone on every weekend since they moved in, but this is the worst it's been. Two weekends ago, they woke me up at 1 AM while I was sick, and I came out into the living room and stomped on the floor until they stopped.

I really want to move out of this dump. Anybody else out there have noisy neighbors? Anybody have any good suggestions for where to go that isn't noisy? Because I've about had it.

Posted by LoWriter at November 10, 2007 04:41 PM

Have you thought about calling the cops? That's what I'd do.

Posted by: Hannah at November 11, 2007 01:43 AM

yah, i'd call the super. dont even bother with going downstairs.

our story involves a typewriter. the lady downstairs complained that the typewriter (stationed in a room opposite the bedrooms) was so loud it kept her son awake AT 10AM ON A SATURDAY. that's ridiculous. YOU, on the other hand, have a legit complaint. regardless of whether or not you decide to move, you have a legal right to request peace and quiet during evening hours.

this gets me alllll fires up. you deserve better, especially since you're a long term tenant.

ya know, you could always move on down to chi-town w/ me ;o)

Posted by: dr gonzo at November 11, 2007 06:53 PM

Don't tempt me! :)

I remember your situation with the type writer. See, I don't want to be that kind of neighbor. That's just ridiculous. And to be fair, I once had a neighbor complain to me that I talked on my phone too loudly. I just don't want to be unreasonable.

On the other hand, last night, as I was drifting off at 11, I was startled by someone banging on the patio door downstairs and shouts of "Unlock this door! Unlock this door! Open this door!" When whoever was inside finally complied, I was then treated to several banging doors and yelling downstairs.

It's great fun in my world.

I honestly haven't called the cops or the super because I'm not sure how best to handle the situation. Perhaps it is better to go down and ask politely for them to stop, but I feel like pounding on the floor with my heels two weeks ago when they woke me up at 1 AM (while I had bronchittis) should have alerted these people to the fact that they are being excessively loud. I don't intend to go downstairs if they wake me in the middle of the night.

And the building has a six page sheet of "house rules" that clearly state that no TV or stereo is ever to be so loud that anyone in another apartment can hear it. So, it's not like they could be surprised that other people can hear them; I can sing along it's so loud. I can hear it in the hallway most of the time. Probably I'll call the super during business hours tomorrow and ask him what the best option is.

Posted by: Lo at November 11, 2007 07:57 PM

I feel your pain! I would definetly NOT advise you to go downstairs however, anybody that gets in loud arguments is NOT to be messed with by an upstairs neighbor.

Hey wait! don't move to Chi-town, move here! It is very nice, but I guess you couldn't drive home...

Call the cops, they won't say who called.

Posted by: 10lees at November 11, 2007 11:55 PM

i agree w/ 10... DONT go down there yourself. if it were a bunch of college kids, or even rowdy post-college boys, it would be worth the extra effort to make a short visit. but in this case, you'd open a huge can of worms and quite possibly endanger yourself or your property.

first go to the super, b/c the cops cant do anything but issue a noise violation citation or address the issue of possible domestic dispute. the super can help you go through the proper channels to silence these folks AND alert them to the possibility of getting rid of bad tenants. be safe, hon. these folks dont sound like peeps i'd like you living near.

chicago is a FUN town!!! lots of universities... lots of good food... and ME! ;o) teeheeeee... 10lees, if you didnt have a few little ones around, i'd sure like to convince you and scott to come here too!

Posted by: dr gonzo at November 12, 2007 11:29 AM

Hey Lo,

I totally support calling the cops. Plus, sometimes a noise violation is warrant for an eviction!

Wish I could recommend my apt. bldng to you, but my neighbors are blaring their music right now, too, at 10:30pm on Monday night.

I just had to go ask the bldng manager if he would take care of it... as if he couldn't hear it on his own? Jill

Posted by: at November 12, 2007 10:34 PM

I called the super. He is out of town, so it rolled over to the owner. He said he will try to call them tonight and if he doesn't reach them, he will put a note on their door tomorrow.

And there was much yelling down there, and now there is no noise at all. It is quite nice. :)

Posted by: Lo at November 14, 2007 09:52 PM
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