December 30, 2006

It Was Nice Knowing You, 2006

Well, dear readers, we have come to the end of another year. This is my obligatory year-end entry, of which I am sure you will read several from various sources this evening. It will be sort of like Christmas letters, only for Gen X and Y. Mine will probably be nothing special, but rest assured, it will not include resolutions.

As you know, I do not make New Year's Resolutions. I make New Year's Predictions. Last year, I did not even make those (for full explanations, see December 2004 and 2005 entries).

At any rate, this year was one of those turning point years in a person's life. In this case, my life. You know, the years where everything changes, for better or for worse, and ends up different. After my grandpa passed away, I made a number of changes that I'd been putting off. To begin with, I "quit" my night job. (I say "quit" because I am still working there sometimes.) Then I started grad school. A lot of good things happened at work, too, including me getting some overtime and getting made a year-round employee.

I made some changes in what I care about/who I listen to. And that has made life a lot better. Not everyone can see it, but it has. I tried to eat better and excercise more, but that has ended with me eating only one meal a day sometimes and eating six other times. I need to work on that some more. :) I started dating again.

There were many other changes. For example, my couch and I have been spending quality time together. I have read fewer books and watched more movies. I learned how to drive combine. I used an electric sander. I spent more time with my friends.

All in all, I would say that the changes were good.

And my predictions for next year are as follows:

-This year will once again go more quickly than last.
-Classes will continue to suck.
-Blueberries will still give me heartburn.
-Angelina and Brad will split up.
-Spawn of Afleck will continue to be uninteresting to the press.
-They will find evidence of life having once existed (aside from water, which makes such a discovery likely) on Mars.

And if you don't like my predictions, here is the best New Year's prediction article I have seen to date from the STrib.

Anyone else care to make a prediction? Feel free to do so in the comments.

So long, 2006, and happy new year to all!

Posted by LoWriter at December 30, 2006 10:42 PM

I predict 2007 is going to kick ass.
I have decided it's going to be an excellent year. (And Lo, i expect you to be a big part of that!! :) We shall have all sorts of good times!)

And i predict that many Americans will waste countless hours watching crappy games shows on TV that involve suitcases. Stupid Deal or No Deal.

Posted by: mel at January 1, 2007 06:29 PM

you know what i want this year? guilt-free shoes. lots of them.

what dont i want? my sister's tag-along "boytoy" to still be around in 2008. ish.

Posted by: dr gonzo at January 3, 2007 11:30 AM

Mel, you know you love deal or no deal. And we had better have all sorts of good times, or I am holding you personally responsible!

Dr. G--I hope you get both of your 2007 wishes.

Posted by: Lo at January 4, 2007 12:58 PM
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