August 23, 2006

Shopping without a List

Here is the number one reason why I am still not a grown-up.

Yesterday, I went into the grocery store without a list, and I came out with a pack of dinosaurs and a suction-cup dart gun.

I also got groceries, but seriously. I may end up giving the dart gun to my sister for her birthday because, for real, what am I going to do with a dart gun, but it looked like fun at the time. They had a big bin of clearance stuff, and I also almost purchased a light up plastic "sword," which was really just a mini tube of plastic. It was quite exciting.

On the whole, my trip to the grocery store was more expensive than usual because I was jones-ing for many things, including salad and, apparently, a giant jar of Salsa Lisa salsa. And cheese. And plastic dinosaurs even though I already have a plethora of lizards on my computer at work. It's all very interesting to me.

Well, take care. I hope you also get to spend four dollars on frivolous things.

Posted by LoWriter at August 23, 2006 08:59 AM

this is the difference between you and me. you go to the store and splurge on funny toys. i go to the store and splurge on a bag of cheetos and a dr. pepper. yours: the gift that keeps on giving. mine: selfish indulgence. i could learn from you, oh sensei!

Posted by: dr gonzo at August 23, 2006 10:18 AM

Well, don't think I'm too smart. I splurged on both, actually. I bought the biggest salsa lisa salsa jar they had and a bag of tortilla chips. And crumbled cheese. And sliced cheese. I bought a lot of cheese, actually. ;)

Posted by: Lo at August 23, 2006 11:26 AM

I don't know a plastic sword is a neccesity. How can you live without something to defend yourself from rogue pirates.

On the other hand I watched Poisiden last night (actually I watched the very beginning of it) and they were hit by a rogue wave, which made me laugh! There are rogue waves just roaming the high seas - I know it!!

Posted by: 10lees at August 28, 2006 11:47 AM

Ha! Rogue waves. I'm a rogue.

Posted by: Lo at August 29, 2006 03:47 PM
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