March 08, 2006

Books and Papers

I apparently have far more books and papers than I need. They're everywhere. I have piles of books and papers in my bag, at my office, scattered all over my house... Hell, I probably have books and papers at my parents' place still.

You see, whether logical or not, I have to hang onto everything because you never know when I might use it in a story. I have tried to keep such files to one drawer in my desk, but since I'm always finding more things to keep for future referece (an article about time travel theory, a picture from a magazine, a scrap of writing that I can't use right now because I'm not in the right mood), I am constantly having to find more space. This is probably because, let's be honest, I never have time to write anymore.

Oh, sure, I write on here, but this isn't exactly art in its purest form.

Then, I have books everywhere, too. I have books I own, books people have lent me, books people have given me, books that I checked out from the library and still haven't read yet. Books everywhere! And I'm about halfway through 9 or 10 of them. I never used to do that. I used to focus on a book, read it all the way through, then move to another one. Now I treat books like I treat cereal: "Let's open this one because it has marshmallows. Well, now that I've eaten that for a couple days, let's open the next one. It's chocolate. Well, now that I've had four days of sugar, I'd better eat something healthy like this one" And so forth.

It's not as bad as it's been in the past, but I think I'm noticing it because I really need to get myself a new bookshelf. I am totally out of space on my other ones. And part of me is trying to decide whether I should get a new bookshelf or sell a bunch of the books that I haven't read and am never going to read anyway.

As you may have noticed, this entry doesn't really have a point, other than that I'm started to feel burried by my hobbies.

Posted by LoWriter at March 8, 2006 08:37 AM


Posted by: Lo at March 16, 2006 02:24 PM