January 17, 2006

Landmark Event

1-17-06 Update: As it turns out, I have no actual spine. I stayed late at work, and I'll probably stay late tonight because I am a greedy, selfish asshole who likes to snap at people who are unneccessarily nice to me. Feel free to look at the following and laugh at my idealism.

1-16-06I would like you all to celebrate what is, in my life, a landmark event. I told someone who was offering me more work "no."

Why is this such a landmark event? Well, those of you who know me will recall my "extra semester" of college where I virtually went what I can only describe as insane (probably due to sleep deprevation) trying to do all the things that I had committed to doing. This, of course, meant that I didn't do anything very well. I just continually took on more and more things until I just started letting things drop. That's the thing about juggling; add enough objects to your routine, and eventually, you're going to drop one of them.

So, since I am currently working 61 hours a week, an adventure which I started last week (through a pseudo part-time job of sorts at my day job) (I'm helping with grant writing. Yay!), I decided that adding four more hours from my night job (bringing my grand total to 65 hours a week) to the mix would be a very bad idea and told them that, no, I was not looking to increase my hours at this time, even though I was very flattered by the offer (and could have potentially gotten vacation benefits from the deal-y-o).

My mom told me that she'd never seen anybody "get so excited about getting more work" when I told her about my excursion into the world of grant writing at my day job, and that's probably true. I'm just very excited because it's fabulous experience, exciting work, and, let's face it, more money. It's been in the works all fall, but since I'm officially doing it now, I figure I can share the news.

So basically, I think I am at last crossing the bridge into responsible adulthood. Yay me for being responsible and learning to say, "No."

Posted by LoWriter at January 17, 2006 02:59 PM