Ummm. So, those of us who have been out sick have not kept up with our blogs.
Let me just take this opportunity to remove my foot from my mouth. I apologize to any and all who were offended by the previous entry (which I have removed from the blog). I did not mean to start a fight among my friends. Looking back, I can see why this happened, and I'm very sorry about it. I'm also very sorry that I didn't notice it sooner. I'd posted the entry earlier in the week, and the blog had been pretty much idling since then, so I didn't think to check up on it.
All I can say is that I fired the entry off in anger after a particularly irritating email conversation with someone I met on craig's list and it didn't even occur to me that anyone would take it personally since he doesn't have my blog address and he was the only one I had in mind when I wrote it. Clearly, I didn't think the entry through.
And, yes, that's right. I'm so lame I've been chatting with people from craig's list. I didn't mention this to most (any?) of you because I feel that it proves that I am lame.
The previous entry was a compilation of many of my college experiences (haven't lost too many friends post-college) including one with someone who will remain unidentified (who thought it his/her God appointed duty to get me into Bethel's counseling program) and one of my "brothers" from my freshman year. There was also a very annoying individual from my college days who led me down the infamous "Give it all to God" campaign that I blame for most of my idiocy sophomore year. All people on this list have long since fled the scene. The list includes people I don't even remember any more. It all came back (as it usually does) when this person from craig's list shared crap with me about himself and then freaked out about my issues.
I didn't mean to offend anyone. I think I was more trying to excuse my craziness of the last couple months with a metaphor. It didn't work out so well. At any rate, it wasn't funny like I thought it was, and I'm sorry.
Posted by LoWriter at October 14, 2005 09:53 PM