October 09, 2007

My Latest Thing

Lately, I have been playing around on eBay. What have I been buying? Well, I'm glad you asked that. Apparently, I like gemstones.

Now before you get out your black lycra pants and ski masks and start devising elaborate plans to break into my pad, please recognize that I pretty much spent $1 on most of what I bought.

But I pretty much dig what I got. I got some amethyst, an aquamarine, and a topaz (yet another reason not to break into my house: they're only semi-precious).

Some might ask why I am buying gemstones that I a) can't verify are actually real and b) have no practical use for. Well, basically, I've always wanted to be a pirate, and I think this puts me one step closer to have my own chest full of treasure.

I also bought a bunch of beads, just so you don't think I'm completely nuts. ;)

As far as eBay, I highly recommend it. Go ahead; "shop victoriously."

Posted by LoWriter at October 9, 2007 08:28 PM

I do like eBay's new ad campaign, it's is very very catchy! I am glad you liked what you bought, and maybe someone should buy to a 'treasure chest' for you!

Posted by: 10lees at October 9, 2007 08:54 PM
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