January 23, 2007

Netflix, Cowboy Bebop, and Other Excuses for Not Doing Homework

To begin with, my grandma is in the hospital. It sounds like she's going to be OK, though. She had the flu, and they are still running some tests, but all sounds well now. I'll keep you posted.

In other news, today, I am watching Cowboy Bebop: The Movie. I have to say that I do not like it as well as the episodes. They kind of stretched out an episode and made it longer than it needed to be. L-A-M-E.

I'm not sure if you all appreciate how great Cowboy Bebop is. It's pretty much the only anime I really, truly love. It doesn't have too many people with funny faces and weird eyes and bizarre expressions running around playing games against each other. It's about bounty hunters. It's packed with symbolism. It has a character named Edward who is funny. And I love it. I am about to get Read or Die tomorrow, which I am excited about. Supposedly, it's good anime as well.

As you may have guessed, I got a subscription to Netflix from Carl and Jill for Christmas, which is a wicked cool gift. I have two months free, and I am taking as much advantage as possible. So far, I have watched all of Cowboy Bebop. My goal is to watch all of Read or Die and all of Farscape. I don't know if I will accomplish this. I may renew. :)

I've had a cold for the last few days, so that's been fun.

Finally, I am putting off doing homework because that's what college students do best. I am going over to the ol' alma mater library tomorrow to do some research. It occurred to me today that I was putting off something that I don't know how to do when a librarian at my old school could help me with it. That's me at my smartest: always really good at remembering that I can ask for help. NOT.

Well, all I know is that I intend to procrastinate for a few more hours. Peace and love and peaches, everybody!

Posted by LoWriter at January 23, 2007 06:23 PM

I'm pretty sure your disease traveled through the internet and is now coursing its way through my body. Ick.

Posted by: H at January 23, 2007 07:37 PM

Ha! I totally used that line on Dr. G earlier today. :) Sorry you caught the cold. :)

Posted by: Lo at January 23, 2007 07:49 PM

oh I hope your grandma feels better!

and it always pays to be good at procrastinating.

Posted by: 10lees at January 23, 2007 08:45 PM

Read or Die is awesome. Not that I know anything about Anime, per se. But Read or Die is absolutely awesome.

Posted by: Jeremy at January 23, 2007 10:57 PM

ok ok, i cannot be blamed entirely for the cold thing!!! i know for a fact that 10lees had the cold wayyyy before me. seriously 10, use those anti-bacterial kleenexes before typing on your computer b/c obviously you're spreading the wealth of snot & congestion via email.


Posted by: dr gonzo at January 24, 2007 10:18 AM

hmmm, I am trying to think of who I can blame this on... but no one is jumping to mind. So that's right, you should all enjoy the cold I enjoyed and expect to have the cough for about six weeks... it's pleasant.

Posted by: 10lees at January 24, 2007 12:27 PM

So I can blame 10 for the goo faucet my nose has become? I'm out of kleenix so I'm forced to use paper towels. I'm a tough guy usually but I don't know how much more of that sandpaper I can put up to my nose.

Posted by: jeff at January 24, 2007 12:50 PM

I think blaming 10lees is kind of like blaming Canada. Go for it. ;)

I stocked up on Kleenix from Target just before I caught my cold. It comes in a three pack, and it was on sale. I will never run out of Kleenix again.

Posted by: Lo at January 24, 2007 02:45 PM

Wait a minute! I am being compared with CANADA??!!?? hehehe... technically I can't complain since my Pepe was from Quebec...

I actually did not have a runny nose that badly, but I think you can still blame me for the cold because every person's body reacts differently - is that true?

At least don't blame me for the lack of kleenex, though I would say I get my work stash free, on account of working at a hotel, but it's not very good.

Posted by: 10lees at January 25, 2007 11:03 AM
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